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Showing posts from August, 2020

Media Project

 My client has suffered a complete C7 Spinal Cord Injury resulting in loss of sensation in everything distal to injury level, as well as flaccid paralysis of both upper and lower extremities. The client wears a Halo Brace, only tolerates up to 10 minutes of upright sitting, and requires maximum assistance for ADL’s, transfers, and mobility. Reflection A few values my client holds important include his wife and family, his small business, and his Korean culture. His concerns include understanding his injury and outcomes, and he expresses this with his major frustration. One of the goals he has is to provide for his family and regain strength and independence needed to be discharged to a rehabilitative hospital.  With all of this in mind, I wanted to focus my OT intervention on body positioning, mental health promotion, and client/caregiver education. By using a sturdy, laminated manila folder and metal clip, I am to provide a base and stand f

Neuro Note 5: Huntington's Disease

In this TedTalk, Kristen Powers talks about her personal experience with Huntington's Disease, and how it has shaped her outlook on life and how she chooses to pursue living it to the fullest.  (Click here to watch) Kristen speaks about her mom's experience with Huntington's, and gives the analogy of if someone was to combine Parkinson's Disease, Dementia, Alzheimer's, ALS, and Bipolar Disorder, you would get some kind of variation of HD. Huntington's Disease is a genetic and progressive neurological disease that results in the inability to walk and communicate. To learn more facts about HD, click the link below: I think it is important to not only acknowledge the stress and burden the individual diagnosed with Huntington's Disease faces, but also the caregiver's future responsibilities and emotions as well. Kristen touches on a very sensitive subjec

Neuro Note 4: Parkinson’s Disease

 Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurological disorder that causes shaking, stiffness, and problems with coordination.  Here are some of the quick facts:  Parkinson’s Disease affects more men than women  One of the main risk factors includes an increase in age, especially the ages of 60 and above  Occurs when the neurons responsible for movement die or become impaired  There is no cure, however, medications, surgery, and/or therapies can be beneficial for symptoms  Parkinson’s Disease results in trouble producing neurotransmitters such as Dopamine and Norepinephrine  Now that we have covered the basics, here are 10 extra resources available to learn more about Parkinson’s Disease: For a brief overview of the disease, and to gain basic knowledge, click here: Click here to learn more about the symptoms associated with Parkinson’s: For sta