My client has suffered a complete C7 Spinal Cord Injury resulting in loss of sensation in everything distal to injury level, as well as flaccid paralysis of both upper and lower extremities. The client wears a Halo Brace, only tolerates up to 10 minutes of upright sitting, and requires maximum assistance for ADL’s, transfers, and mobility.
A few values my client holds important include his wife and family, his small business, and his Korean culture. His concerns include understanding his injury and outcomes, and he expresses this with his major frustration. One of the goals he has is to provide for his family and regain strength and independence needed to be discharged to a rehabilitative hospital.
With all of this in mind, I wanted to focus my OT intervention on body positioning, mental health promotion, and client/caregiver education. By using a sturdy, laminated manila folder and metal clip, I am to provide a base and stand for his business documents for review, therapy/injury education and resources, and electronic devices which can be used by the “talk” feature (such as Siri) to communicate with family (some of which still live in Korea) and co-workers via FaceTime, text message, and phone call all while the client is reclined in order not disturb his CNS/PNS functioning and forced Halo Brace positioning.
*Given the current COVID pandemic, I believe these social interactions could be extremely beneficial for my client, especially in a Acute Care setting where visitors may not be allowed or family is unable to internationally travel.*
Short Term Goal - Client will demonstrate knowledge and potential outcomes of his complete C7 spinal cord injury in two weeks.
Long Term Goal - Client will engage in creating a bowel and bladder schedule for transition into future therapy setting.
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