The Locus of Control term was a topic foreign to me prior our Leadership asynchronous learning session. After browsing various resources, I feel confident in not only explaining what the Locus of Control is, but, how identifying it within ourselves can be beneficial in our individual journeys in life.
The Locus of Control is all about how we react to life's twists and turns, successes and failures, and ups and downs. For some, they may have an internal Locus of Control, in which when experiencing successes, the individual contributes this to their own hard-work and/or personal attributes. On the other hand, when someone with internal LoC experiences a hardship, this amounts to a feeling of inadequacy and resulting in negative self-talk. However, someone with external LoC attributes their accomplishments to luck, chance, or fate and their hardships to external problems or people. It's important to note that an individual can shift between the two internal and external LoC's, although everyone has one that is more dominant than the other, resulting in one being their primary turn-to in times of need.
Personally, I currently identify with an internal LoC. I try to recognize my accomplishments and hard-work when I receive good news, but, I am just as quick to bash myself when I am let down or denied. I've known this to be true as I was forced to deal with it greatly throughout my OT schooling. However, I didn't always identify this way. I often let things come and go easily..knowing whatever came or didn't come my way was meant to be. I let things happen and rarely took any credit or blame. While I do believe there is still a lot of these qualities within me, I am confident school has lead me to take more responsibility for my actions - good and bad. Knowing my common reactions, I can proceed with more self-awareness. Being self-aware, I am able to give myself grace. We all deserve some grace.
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