One word I can use to summarize the TEDx Talk (TEDxDalhousieU) with Sanford Hare is: GRATITUDE.
Sanford was simply a teenager, entering into his last year of high school when he suddenly woke up one night with a tingling sensation in both his feet and hands. This tingling continued and escalated into severe pain and weakness to the point he couldn’t even lift his hands over his head. Immediately, his parents rushed him to the ER where diagnostic imaging tests such as CT Scans, X-Rays, and a Spinal Tap were used to reveal he had Guillain Barre Syndrome.
Guillain Barre Syndrome is a rare, autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the Peripheral Nervous System, which is responsible for controlling movement and sensation. I was eager to learn more about some of the specifics of this syndrome, so I visited the CDC’s website and examined the risk factors associated with GBS. I learned that only 1 in 100,000 individuals have GBS and that it is more prevalent in men over the age of 50 years old. Although the cause is unknown, there have been some links to people developing this syndrome after recovering from infections in the GI and Respiratory Systems, such as the Flu and Zika Virus.
If you want a quick overview covering the basics of Guillain Barre Syndrome, I suggest watching this clip!
Sanford did, in fact, make a full recovery after being placed in the ICU where he was hooked up to a ventilator and lost all control of his arms, legs, and speech. He describes waking up in the middle of the night, unable to get anyone’s attention or adjust his posture because he couldn’t speak or hit the call button. (WHAT?!) If he got desperate enough, he would actually hold his breath to trigger his monitors to go off so that a nurse would have to come to his aid. So many of these struggles screamed OT to me! Sanford goes on to explain his time in extensive long-term rehab where he received PT, OT, Hand Therapy, and even Music Therapy. He was incredibly thankful to get back to doing the things that seemed so simple before such as putting on socks and sitting up on the side of the bed. With the help of therapists, Sanford was even able to walk the line at his high school graduation!
I originally picked this topic because my grandfather was diagnosed with GBS when I was entering middle school. It happened very suddenly, and like Sanford, he ended up in the ICU, unable to do things such as breathe and move on his own. Unfortunately, my grandfather developed infections which he was too weak to fight off because of the syndrome and passed away. Ever since, I have had such a negative outlook on the potential outcomes patients with GBS could have. After hearing Sanford’s story, and looking at the facts, I now have hope and encouragement that although there is still much to learn about this syndrome, there IS a vast amount of recovery that can take place because of interventions such as those from Occupational Therapy.
If you’d like to watch Sanford’s story, and/or learn more facts about GBS, feel free to click the links below:
Sanford was simply a teenager, entering into his last year of high school when he suddenly woke up one night with a tingling sensation in both his feet and hands. This tingling continued and escalated into severe pain and weakness to the point he couldn’t even lift his hands over his head. Immediately, his parents rushed him to the ER where diagnostic imaging tests such as CT Scans, X-Rays, and a Spinal Tap were used to reveal he had Guillain Barre Syndrome.
Guillain Barre Syndrome is a rare, autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the Peripheral Nervous System, which is responsible for controlling movement and sensation. I was eager to learn more about some of the specifics of this syndrome, so I visited the CDC’s website and examined the risk factors associated with GBS. I learned that only 1 in 100,000 individuals have GBS and that it is more prevalent in men over the age of 50 years old. Although the cause is unknown, there have been some links to people developing this syndrome after recovering from infections in the GI and Respiratory Systems, such as the Flu and Zika Virus.
If you want a quick overview covering the basics of Guillain Barre Syndrome, I suggest watching this clip!
Sanford did, in fact, make a full recovery after being placed in the ICU where he was hooked up to a ventilator and lost all control of his arms, legs, and speech. He describes waking up in the middle of the night, unable to get anyone’s attention or adjust his posture because he couldn’t speak or hit the call button. (WHAT?!) If he got desperate enough, he would actually hold his breath to trigger his monitors to go off so that a nurse would have to come to his aid. So many of these struggles screamed OT to me! Sanford goes on to explain his time in extensive long-term rehab where he received PT, OT, Hand Therapy, and even Music Therapy. He was incredibly thankful to get back to doing the things that seemed so simple before such as putting on socks and sitting up on the side of the bed. With the help of therapists, Sanford was even able to walk the line at his high school graduation!
I originally picked this topic because my grandfather was diagnosed with GBS when I was entering middle school. It happened very suddenly, and like Sanford, he ended up in the ICU, unable to do things such as breathe and move on his own. Unfortunately, my grandfather developed infections which he was too weak to fight off because of the syndrome and passed away. Ever since, I have had such a negative outlook on the potential outcomes patients with GBS could have. After hearing Sanford’s story, and looking at the facts, I now have hope and encouragement that although there is still much to learn about this syndrome, there IS a vast amount of recovery that can take place because of interventions such as those from Occupational Therapy.
If you’d like to watch Sanford’s story, and/or learn more facts about GBS, feel free to click the links below:
Guillain-Barré Syndrome. (2019, December 20). Retrieved July 15, 2020, from
Looking back on Illness Sanford Hare TEDxDalhousieU. (2017, August 15). Retrieved July 15, 2020, from
Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) 101. (2015, October 22). Retrieved July 15, 2020, from
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